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Fiber Optics, A Geeks Wallpaper

How hard is it to create stock photos? That’s the question I asked myself the other day when I was on a news website taking note of a fiber optic cable stock picture used in an article.

It can’t be that hard? so I purchased a 7 dollar lamp from eBay, and have taken a few basic shots. with my long term goal to combine them with pictures from a large IT server room as a backdrop.

In the mean time I think I will load a few of these onto flickr, they should make quite a nice computer desktop image.

A shot of a shot.

A shot of a shot. by BrendanDavey
A shot of a shot., a photo by BrendanDavey on Flickr.

Just for fun I decided to upload a picture showing a picture of my 5D taking a picture. It gives a really good idea of how the filters and 5D is processing the image.

I have no idea now the iPhone is claiming the exposure figures that it is as they simply don’t seem to add up when compared with the 5D. Then again maybe I had a 10 stop filter on.

Roaches Beach

Roaches Beach 3 by BrendanDavey
Roaches Beach 3, a photo by BrendanDavey on Flickr.

It’s been a long while since I’ve posed to my blog, and a lots been happening. I’m aiming to get more regular updates and articles up, in the mean time, here is a picture I took last week.

Long exposure with 10 stop, I got the timing just right to capture the clouds when they lit up, 2 mins either side and it would have been rather dull.

Hobart Town Aquaduct in HDR

Hobart Town Aquaduct 2 HDR, originally uploaded by BrendanDavey.

These aquaducts are some of, if not the oldest in Australia. Built to carry the water to Hobart from Mount Wellington. Built by convicts in the 1840’s. The history of the pipeline is a little sketchy, with the oldest known document of the water system, a tracing of an original document entitled “Map of the Proposed Line of Aqueduct for Supplying Hobart Town with Pure Water, 1841”.

The pipeline walking talk, follows the original path of the old pipe system from Ferntree to the waterworks reserve.

I used a hard ND grad parallel to the top of the aquaduct to cut they sky down a fair bit…