Yes, I’m going to go there…
In my opinion UV filters are a camera stores best revenue earner, for every lens or camera package they sell there is a better than even chance they can sell the purchaser a UV filter, or 2.
But are they worth it?
Here are a few of the Pros and Cons:
- It may protect the lens from damage if dropped.
- It may protect the lens for dirt, dust and other marks.
- It filters out UV light.
- If it breaks the glass shards may damage my front element, or coating, or the ring could get jammed on my lens.
- It’s another layer of glass, and it may introduce flares and other artifacts into the image.
- The Camera already has a UV filter over the sensor to block UV light.
Well if you use a digital camera you can rule out the UV filtering being a benefit because digital sensors already have a UV filter. The filter has just as much chance of causing damage to a lens than protecting it. Saying “I dropped my lens and the UV filter smashed, thus saving my lens”, is a far call from reality, it most likely would have been fine anyhow. The amount of horror stories I have read about the UV filter causing problems once broken seems to be more of a problem than dropped broken lenses (Glass shards scratching lenses, filters getting stuck and needing to be removed by professionals etc). The UV filter itself offers next to no structural strength to the lens, and then you have the problem of image quality. It’s a known fact that UV filters introduce flares and ghosting (well documented).
For me the introduced artifacts and the probability of the UV filter doing more damage than good makes it not worth it. Sure it may stop the occasional finger print of smudge, but these are easily removed.
What about UV filters for Astrophotography and Aurora?
UV filters for night photography are an absolute no no. You can almost be 100% assured that some ghosting, flaring or artifacts will be introduced into the image when shooting in low light. Don’t use a UV filter at night, and just as importantly make sure you lenses are clean.
So why do it?
Well most people do it because they get sold the idea that it’s an investment to protect their lenses. Some UV filters can retail for as much as a kit lens, the easier solution would be to replace the lens if it did get damaged, which the UV filter would most likely have not protected in the first place.