As a photographer it’s allways interesting to get feedback on your photos, your style, and what people like the most about the photos you are taking. I consider my style to be fairly set. I like to think if you viewed my photos as one large collection there are some general observations than can be made, and a loose style could be defined.
Over time it is interesting to view the Flickr stats to see what is popular, or has had the most views. Now of course older photos will slowly build up more views, so older photos will generally have higher numbers. But it’s also true to say than unpopular photos will drop off in hits over time. Consistently viewed photos will continue to grow, and do stand out in stats.
Lost of views can be because of many factors of course, such as one photo being referenced by an enternal source. but it’s allways intereting to see whats popular. So what is my most viewed photo? Well to my supprise it’s an unassuming, somewhat very basic picture of some flowers at sunset: