Tag: Australis

Oblivious to the lights.
When your out shooting late at night you have a lot of time for thinking during exposures and between shots, especially if your by yourself. I often think of all those people at home, watching TV, or asleep in their beds, oblivious to what is going on around then, and the silent lights that weave across the night sky above them.
I think the mood in this shot sums up how I often think of those people. They are inside, working away or watching some program on TV. Meanwhile outside the lights are dancing in the sky and the stars are shining brightly on a perfectly clear and moonless night.
The picture was taken in Mortimer Bay (Tasmania). The photograph to the right was taken only a stones throw from the boat shed when the Aurora was a little more active.
Aurora Australis – Storm.
Tasmania, and Southern Victoria witnessed a fantastic Aurora last night and I managed to shot quite a number of great shots.
The Aurora was quite visible with the naked eye, and it was very easy to see the ribbons, and at one stage they were so bright they were showing clearly in live view on my camera. WOW.
Hopefully we will continue to see more over the coming months.
Persistence and Patience
That’s all it takes. Finally I got the Southern Lights over the Iron Pot in Storm Bay. They were not as strong as they had been on Sunday night, and the weather deteriorated very quickly. But I manged to get a few shots before I had to pull the plug.
There were quite a few people trying their luck at the lookout overlooking Betsy Island. I think they had all left it to late (10-12pm), and there was almost nothing left of the Aurora.
Aurora Australis, Lauderdale Beach
You can just make out the red “curtains” or ribbons above the green glow. It has been quite a while since I have seen one this good.
2012 is predicted to be a big year for sun spots. It will be interesting to see if there are any good Auroras next year.