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‘Boat Shed’, Kelvedon Beach

Although I have only been with my new employer for a relatively small period of time, I am enjoying myself, and the people that I work with are fantastic.

This Friday IMAS will be holding a quiz night to support the family of Ben Chuwen who recently passed away. In support of the evening I have donated this landscape to the silent auction.

The boat shed at Kelvedon Beach is a well known point of interest on the Tasmanian east coast, and should be very popular amongst the marine community.

Happy bidding 🙂

The Boat Shed, East Coast, Tasmania

The Abandoned Boat Shed.
The Abandoned Boat Shed.

Over the next few days I wil upload some pictures taken from a short holiday on the east coast of Tasmania. This first shot was taken about 10km south of swansea, this lone boat shed has weathered a few storms I would say….

Every time I drove past this shed in the past I kept on thinking to myself  “I must shoot that, one day…..”. Well don’t put off what you can do today until tomorrow.

If anyone knows of the history of this shed, I’ll love to hear about it.