Although I have only been with my new employer for a relatively small period of time, I am enjoying myself, and the people that I work with are fantastic.
This Friday IMAS will be holding a quiz night to support the family of Ben Chuwen who recently passed away. In support of the evening I have donated this landscape to the silent auction.
The boat shed at Kelvedon Beach is a well known point of interest on the Tasmanian east coast, and should be very popular amongst the marine community.
I’m hoping to get another shot from this location using a 10 stop filter. It should really bring out the colour. I’m just waiting for the right weather, it’s been very overcast at the wrong times for the past week.
Just how good is the weather sealing on the Canon Cameras?
Well I’m not really sure, but I do know that when I took this shot it was pouring with rain. I had arrived early at Cemorne Beach to take some pictures and had setup my camera and started to take some long exposures. However it was becoming very apparent that it was very likely to rain with a rather black cloud slowing making its way accross the landscape behind me. Eventually the sky opened up and rain came pouring down. I had no umbrella and had to make the choice to either pack up or continue to shoot.
The Canon 5d mark 2 is water resistant right? So I decided to just go with it and stay. With no wind I was getting little or no rain on the lens and I managed to get some good shots. The camera got very wet but did not miss a beat, and it’s still going strong a month+ later (after I took it straight home to dry off).
I guess the bottom line is that a lot of people see their camera as a large investment, trying to look after it for resale value or somehow to prolong its life. When in reality it’s a tool. How many shots have been missed because they did not want to get their camera wet or dusty. If you camera is well manafactured with a metal body and weather sealing, take the risk, get the shot I say, or at least have equipment to mitigate the risk like an umbrella or rain cover 🙂
This morning I saw the best sunrise we have had for a few weeks, I’ve been waiting for just the right amount of cloud and light. I shot a few good shots, and could not decide which ones to upload. So I’ve uploaded 2.
I’m really missing my wide angle lens, but the 24-105mm is serving me well. It’s certainly not as sharp as my old 16-35mm. Most of the exposure were long in low light, so complete manual focus and no IS. At 24mm it’s not to bad, and you can still fit a fair bit in the shot, but I’m really looking forward to my new 17-40mm. I could see myself with a 24mm TS-E in the future for sure.
Sometimes you look at a picture and you think, “It’s okay, but nothing special, I wouldn’t hang it on my wall”. Occasionally these shots can be converted to Black and White with fantastic results. This picture has a very rich blue sky and when converted to B&W it was possible to change the hue and saturation of the blue to make the sky really “pop”. The effect was created in Lightroom, and I suspect better results could be achieved with Nik Silver Efex Pro.
Allocating time for photography need not be costly. Today I allocated just 20 minutes to go and take some pictures. This shot was taken in Ralphs Bay, just a stones throw from the main road. The sunset was not all that great, but I enjoyed making the most of it.
It was taken with the canon 24-105 IS, because I had no other suitable lens. 2 x hi-tech filters stacked, with an f22 aperture and long 25sec+ exposure, and me, acting as a wind break.
Ever had one of those mornings when you could not sleep? Decided to grab the camera and go somewhere local for a few shots?
Well that’s what I did this morning, not much of a sunrise, so I decided to change over to the 50mm f1.4 and shoot some portrait shots of some local pillars on Lauderdale Beach. I really need to get a 58mm to 77mm step up ring so I can use my filters on my 50mm, better exposure in the sky would have been nice. However the washed out sky does work well with the glamor filter in post. I’m hoping to capture the same shot soon with a good sunrise in the background.
The Mayfield beach coastal reserve is a popular spot for campers on Tasmania’s east coast, run by parks and wildlife you can stay for only a gold coin donation, but be warned there’s no water and only a drop toilet. With an easterly view towards the Freycinet Peninsula the beach captures fantastic sunrises. I’m still deciding if I should add this shot to the shop for purchase or not.
Long gone are the planks that ran along this jetty. All that remains now are a few weathered pylons. The sunset really brought out the weathered pinks, coupled with the rust, I think they look great.